Elected Member, Tau Beta Pi - Engineering Honor Society, 1985
the Richard R. Torrens Award, American Society of Civil Engineers,
1986, "for his exemplary service to the Society as editor
of Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. Under
his editorship, the papers were reviewed in a timely manner,
the submissions of papers increased by nearly 40 per cent,
and the frequency grew from a quarterly publication to a bimonthly
Received the Outstanding Journal Paper Award ("Two-stage
urban runoff forecast model" with G. G. Patry), Water
Resources Planning and Management Division, American Society
of Civil Engineers, New York, 1986.
Received the Outstanding Journal Paper Award ("Solute
movement through root-soil environment" with J. C. Tracy),
Irrigation and Drainage Division, American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York, 1990.
Received the Best Paper Award in 1990-92 ("Optimizing
spillway capacity with uncertainty in flood estimator"
with A. Afshar), Iranian Research Council in the Water Industry,
Teheran, Iran, 1993.
Received the Best Paper Award in 1993-94 ("Optimizing
river diversion under hydraulic and hydrologic uncertainties"
with A. Afshar and A. Barkhordary), Iranian Supreme Council,
Teheran, 1995.
Elected to Fellow, American Water Resources Association,
Received the Julian Hinds Award, American Society of Civil
Engineers, 1996, "for his many contributions to research
and teaching in hydrology and water resource systems analysis
and to the water resource engineering practice, especially
in the areas of hydrologic modeling, groundwater management,
and optimization of hydrosystems."
Elected to Distinguished Member, American Society of Civil
Engineers, 1999, "for his mastery of surface and subsurface
hydrologic processes, his renowned methodologies to plan,
design, and manage water resource engineering projects, and
his leadership in teaching and role-modeling."
Elected to Corresponding Member, Mexico National Academy
of Engineering, 1999.
Received the Best Paper Award ("Drought subsidence prediction
model for the western San Joaquin Valley, California"
with T. Botzan and H. Basagaoglu), International Water Resources
Association, Carbondale, Illinois, 2001.
Elected to Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2001, "In
recognition of eminence in geophysics: for fundamental and
outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of groundwater
hydrology and water resources management."
Elected to Honorary Member, American Water Resources Association,
2001, "To acknowledge his eminence in water resouces
science and technology: for outstanding record of accomplishments
in the water resources field; known to all who practice in
water resources today; work has been of great value to many
throughout the world."
Received the Warren A. Hall Medal of the Universities Council
on Water Resources, 2002, "for distinguished achievements
in the field of water resources."
Life Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2005.
Received the Omar Khayyam Award from Scientia Iranica and
Sharif University of Technology, Iran, 2007, for "valuable
services and many endeavors in regard to the successful promotion
of Scientia Iranica."
Received the Career Achievement Award of the California Water
and Environmental Modeling Forum, 2011, for "significant
contributions in groundwater flow and transport modeling,
and systems planning and operations for various agencies in
Special Issue of British Journal of Environment and Climate Change "In Honor of Distinguished Professor Miguel A. Marino: Modeling Approaches to Study Climate Change Impacts on Water and Environmental Systems."
Lifetime Achievement Award, American Society of Civil Engineers-Environmental and Water Resources Institute.
Listed in:
Who's Who in the World, 17th Edition, etc.
Who's Who in America, 55th Edition, etc.
Who's Who in California, 13th Edition
Who's Who in Engineering, 5th-9th Editions
Who's Who in the West, 17th Edition
Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 3rd Edition
Men of Achievement (Cambridge, U.K.), 8th Edition
Men of Achievement of the West and Midwest, 7th Edition