H. R., A. Afshar and M. A. Mariño. 2009. Quality-quantity
simulation model for stream-aquifer interaction. CD pages
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Environment, 9-14 August 2009, International Association for
Hydraulic Research, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Pacioni, E., M. Petitta and M. A. Mariño. 2007. Simulation
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and groundwater of the Fucino Plain, Italy. pages 188-196.
In: Water Quality and Sediment Behaviour of the
Future: Predictions for the 21st Century, B. W. Webb
and D. de Boer (eds.), IAHS Publication No. 314, International
Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, Oxfordshire,
Li, J., C. Ji, and M. A. Mariño. 2007. Social impact
assessment of integrated flood risks based on catastrophe
theory. pages 221-227. In: Changes in Water Resources
Systems: Methodologies to Maintain Water Security and Ensure
Integrated Management, N. van de Giesen, J. Xia, D. Rosbjerj
and Y. Fukushima (eds.), IAHS Publication No. 315, International
Asociation of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, Oxfordshire,
Chu, X. and M. A. Mariño. 2007. Space and time issues
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models in the vadose zone. pages 1-9. In: Environmental
and Water Resources Congress 2007: Restoring Our National
Habitat, K. C. Kabbes (ed.), American Society of Civil
Engineers, Tampa, Florida.
Chu, X. and M. A. Mariño. 2006. Simulation of infiltration
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HYDROL-INF. pages 1-8. In: Examining the Confluence of
Environmental and Water Concerns, R. Graham (ed.),
American Society ofCivil Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska.
Abrishamchi, A., S. Jamali, M. A. Mariño and M. Tajrishy.
2006. Stream flow forecasting and reservoir operation models
using fuzzy inference systems. pages 373-382. In: Operating
Reservoirs in Changing Conditions, D. D. Zimbelman
and W. C. Loehlein (eds.), American Society of Civil Engineers,
Sacramento, California.
Safavi, H.R., A. Afshar and M.A. Mariño. 2003. Integrated
water resource management: A complex challege. pages 305-312.
In: Water Resources, Geotechnics and Transportation,
D. Mostofinjad and M. R. Chamani (eds.), Proceedings of the
6th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Isfahan
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Mariño, M. A., X. Chu and M. Hantush. 2002. Pesticide
transport modeling in soils, ground water, and surface water.
pages 3-21. In: Water Resources and Environment Research,
Vol. II, G. H. Schmidtz (ed.), Dresden, Germany.
Styles, S. W. and M. A. Mariño. 2002. Water delivery
service as a determinant of irrigation project performance.
Proceedings of 18th Congress of International Commission on
Irrigation and Drainage (Compact Disk), Montreal, Canada.
Fu, X., C. Ji, L. Wang and M. A. Mariño. 2002. Studies
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432-437. In: Flood Defence 2002, Wu et al., (eds.),
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Arumi, J. L., R. A. Oyarzun, L. G. Salgado and M. A. Mariño.
2002. Sensitivity analysis and testing of the RISK-N model
in the Central Valley of Chile. pages 134-142. In: Proceedings
of the XXXII IAH&VI ALHSUD Congress, "Groundwater
and Human Development," E. M. Bocanegra and H. D. Massone
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Mariño, M. A. and S. P. Simonovic. 2001. Preface.
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M. A. Mariño and S. P. Simonovic (eds.), IAHS Publication
No. 272, International Association of Hydrological Science,Wllingford,
Oxfordshire, U.K.
Teixeira, A. D. and M. A. Mariño. 2001. A forward
dynamic programming model for irrigation scheduling in an
irrigation districkt. pages 411-420. In: Proceedings of
the IV Inter-Regional Conference on Environment-Water,
Fortaleza, Brazil.
Hantush, M. M., M. Harada and M. A. Mariño. 2001.
Hydraulic analysis of baseflow and bank storage in alluvial
streams. In: Proceedings (CD) Wetlands Engineering and
River Restoration Conference, EWRI, American
Society of Civil Engineers, Reno, Nevada.
Mariño, M. A. 2001. Conjunctive management of surface
water and groundwater. pages 165-173. In: Regional Management
of Water Resources, A. H. Schumann et al. (eds.), IAHS
Publication No. 268, International Association of Hydrological
Sciences, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, U.K.
Harada, M., Y. Tsuge and M. A. Mariño. 2001. Effects
of interaction between stream and aquifer on stream condition
in alluvial basin. pages 197-203. In: Integrated Water
Resources Management, M. A. Mariño and
S. P. Simonovic (eds.), IAHS Publication No. 272, International
Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, Oxfordshire,
Chu, X., J. Shao, M. A. Mariño and J. Xu. 2001. Conjunctive
water resources supply-demand management model in Baotou City,
China. pages 159-166. In: Integrated Water Resources
Management, M. A. Mariño and S. P. Simonovic
(eds.), IAHS Publication No. 272, International Association
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Harada, M., M. M. Hantush and M. A. Mariño. 2000.
Hydraulic analysis on stream-aquifer interaction by storage
function models. In: Groundwater Updates, K. Sato
and Y. Iwasa (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Japan.
Hantush, M., Z. Zhang, M. A. Mariño and E. Hoque.
1999. Uncertainty in leaching potential of nonpoint source
pollutants with application to a GIS. pages 21-37. In: Proceedings,
Water: Lessons of World Development, J. L. Moncur
(ed.), Universities Council on Water Resources 1999 Annual
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Gusman, A. J. and M. A. Mariño. 1999. Modelling of
nitrogen dynamics in the subsurface environment. pages 59-63.
In: Impacts of Urban Growth on Surface Water and Groundwater
Quality, B. Ellis (ed.), IAHS Publication No. 259,
International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford,
Oxfordshire, U.K.
Mariño, M. A. 1998. California groundwater degradation:
agricultural practices and management strategies. pages 61-70.
In: Agricultural Threats to Groundwater Quality,
L. Candela and A. Aureli (eds.), Mediterranean Agronomic Institute
of Zaragoza, Spain.
Hantush, M. M., M. R. Islam and M. A. Mariño. 1998.
Analytical tools for groundwater pollution assessment. pages
147-152. In: After the Rain Has Fallen - Groundwater Management
Symposium, J.W. Smith (ed.), American Society
of Civil Engineers, Memphis, Tennessee.
Callow, I. P., R. E. Volker and M. A. Mariño. 1998.
Modelling the fate of common pesticides in the subsurface
zone below tropical agriculture. pages 425-430. In: International
Groundwater Conference Proceedings, T. R. Weaver
and C. R. Lawrence (eds.), International Association of Hydrogeologists,
Melbourne, Australia.
Hameed, T. and M. A. Mariño. 1997. Application of
ARIMA modeling in water resources management. pages 498-502.
In: 24th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium,
Auckland, New Zealand.
Munevar, A. and M.A. Mariño. 1997. A modeling analysis
of ground-water recharge potential on alluvial fans using
limited data. pages 111-115. In: Advances in Ground-Water
Hydrology - A Decade of Progress, K.K. Watson
and A. Zaporozec (eds.), American Institute of Hydrology,
St. Paul, Minnesota.
Harada, M., M. A. Mariño and M. M. Hantush. 1997.
Effect of horizontal anisotropy on head, flow and solute transport
in heterogeneous alluvial regions. pages 445-450. In: Groundwater:
An Endangered Resource, A. N. Findikakis and F. Stauffer
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Basagaoglu, H., A. J. Gusman and M. A. Mariño. 1997.
Comparison of selected analytical and numerical pesticide
transport models. pages 133-142. In: Water Resources Education,
Training, and Practice: Opportunities for the Next Century,
J. J. Warwick (ed.), American Water Resources Association,
Herndon, Virginia.
Reid, T. T., R. B. Leipnik, H. A. Loaiciga, and M. A. Mariño.
1996. Macroscopic dispersivity with a linear trend in the
log conductivity. pages 239-249. In: Reactions of Toxic
Pollutants in Soil Systems. A. C. Chang (ed.),
Kearney Foundation of Soil Science, 1995-96 Annual Report.
University of California, Riverside, California.
Cullen, S. J., J. C. Michaelsen, D. W. Rice, B. P. Dooher,
L. G. Everett, W. E. Kastenberg and M. A. Mariño. 1996.
An evaluation of California's leaking underground fuel tank
clean-up process. pages 65-80. In: Proceedings of First
International Conference on the Impact of Industry on Groundwater
Resources, Ingegneria e Geologia degli Acquiferi, No.
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Kadir, T. N. and M. A. Mariño. 1996. A new model of
California's SWP/CVP systems. In: North American
Water and Environment Congress '96, C. T. Bathala (ed.),
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y.
Magolske, M. B. and M. A. Mariño. 1996. Eastern San
Joaquin County groundwater management. In: North American
Water and Environment Congress '96, C. T. Bathala (ed.),
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y.
Basagaoglu, H. and M. A. Mariño. 1996. Chance constraint
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136-145. In: UCOWR '96 Proceedings: Integrated Management
of Surface and Ground Water, The Universities Council
on Water Resources, San Antonio, Texas.
Chavez-Morales, J., M. A. Mariño and E. A. Holzapfel.
1996. Computer packages for irrigation planning. pages 1-7.
In: Sixth International Conference on Computers in Agriculture,
F. S. Zazueta (ed.), American Society of Agricultural Engineers,
St. Joseph, Michigan.
Mariño, M. A., H. A. Loaiciga and R. B. Leipnik. 1995.
Simulation of contaminant transport in heterogeneous soils.
pages 251-257. In: Reactions of Toxic Pollutants in Soil
Systems, D. Silva (ed.), Kearney Foundation of Soil Science,
1994-95 Annual Report. University of California, Riverside,
Tracy, J. C., T. J. van Lent and M. A. Mariño. 1995.
Design of groundwater monitoring quality networks. pages 177-196.
In: Advanced Methods for Groundwater Pollution Control,
G. Gambolati and G. Verri (eds.), CISM Courses and Lectures
No. 364, Springer-Verlag Publishers, N.Y.
Mariño, M. A., H. A. Loaiciga and R. B. Leipnik. 1994.
Flow and transport in soils with heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity.
pages 219-235. In: Reactions of Toxic Pollutants in Soil
Systems, D. Silva (ed.), Kearney Foundation of Soil
Science, 1993-94 Annual Report. University of California,
Riverside, California.
Mejia, M. A., M. M. Hantush and M. A. Mariño. 1994.
A physically based conceptual model for simulating contaminant
levels in subsurface water. pages 335-358. In: Water Policy
and Management: Solving the Problems, D.G. Fontane and H.N.
Tuvel (eds.), American Society of Civil Engineers, New York,
Mariño, M. A., H. A. Loaiciga and R. B. Leipnik. 1993.
Flow and transport in soils with heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity.
pages 253-262. In: Reactions of Toxic Pollutants in Soil Systems,
D. Silva (ed.), Kearney Foundation of Soil Science, 1992-93
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Cheema, M. N., and M. A. Mariño. 1993. Stable slopes
of alluvial channels. pages 675-682. In: Management of Irrigation
and Drainage Systems, Integrated Perspectives, R. G. Allen
(ed.), American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y.
Hameed, T., and M. A. Mariño. 1993. Transfer function
modeling of evapotranspiration. pages 40-47. In: Management
of Irrigation and Drainage Systems, Integrated Perspectives,
R. G. Allen (ed.), American Society of Civil Engineers, New
York, N.Y.
Mariño, M.A. 1993. Gestión conjunta de recursos
hídricos. Ejemplo: California. pages 119-127. In: Las
Aguas Subterráneas - Importanica y Perspectivas, Instituto
Tecnológico GeoMinero de España y Real Academia
de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Madrid, Spain.
Mariño, M. A. 1993. Water in agriculture: Options
and proposals for a better use. pages 107-132. In: Symposium
- The Water Economy, Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona,
S.A., Barcelona, Spain.
Hantush, M. M., and M. A. Mariño. 1993. Optimal state
feedback estimation in groundwater: Application to leaky aquifers.
pages 725-728. In: Water Management in the '90s-A Time for
Innovation, K. Hon (ed.), American Society of Civil Engineers,
New York, N.Y.
Ben Jemaa, F., and M. A. Mariño. 1993. Optimal strategy
for aquifer remediation. pages 585-588. In: Water Management
in the '90s-A Time for Innovation, K. Hon (ed.), American
Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y.
Ben Jemaa, F., and M. A. Mariño. 1992. Forecasting
instabilities in groundwater parameters. pages 90-95. In:
M. Karamouz (ed.), Water Resources Planning and Management,
Saving a Threatened Resource-In Search of Solutions, American
Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y.
Tracy, J. C., M. A. Mariño, and A. Taghavi. 1992.
Predicting water demand in agricultural regions using time
series forecasts of reference crop evapotranspiration. pages
50-55. In: M. Karamouz (ed.), Water Resources Planning and
Management, Saving a Threatened Resource-In Search of Solutions,
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y.
Ben Jemaa, F., and M. A. Mariño. 1991. Effect of parameter
cross-correlation on groundwater sampling design. pages 239-246.
In: H. P. Nachtnebel and K. Kovar (eds.), Hydrological Basis
of Ecologically Sound Management of Soil and Groundwater,
IAHS Publication No. 202. International Association of Hydrological
Sciences, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
Ben Jemaa, F., and M. A. Mariño. 1991. Geostatistics
in groundwater sampling design. pages 86-90. In: J. L. Anderson
(ed.), Water Resources Planning and Management and Urban Water
Resources, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York,
Hantush, M. M., and M. A. Mariño. 1991. Application
of Kalman filtering to groundwater flow in finite heterogeneous
aquifers. pages 75-79. In: J. L. Anderson (ed.), Water Resources
Planning and Management and Urban Water Resources, American
Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y.
Ben Jemaa, F., and M. A. Mariño. 1990. Optimal network
design for groundwater quality and quantity parameters. pages
11-20. Volume of Poster Papers. International Conference on
Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling, The
Hague, The Netherlands.
Hantush, M. M., and M. A. Mariño. 1990. Temporal and
spatial variability of hydraulic heads in finite heterogeneous
aquifers: Numerical modelling. pages 23-31. In: K. Kovar (ed.),
Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling, IAHS
Publication No. 195. International Association of Hydrological
Sciences, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
Walker, D. P., and M. A. Mariño. 1990. Groundwater
quality network design. pages 621-624. In: R. M. Khanbilvardi
and T. C. Gooch (ed.), Optimizing the Resources for Water
Management. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York,
Ben Jemaa, F., and M. A. Mariño. 1990. Optimization
of a groundwater well monitoring network. pages 610-614. In:
R. M. Khanbilvardi and T. C. Gooch (ed.), Optimizing the Resources
for Water Management. American Society of Civil Engineers,
New York, N.Y.
Hantush, M. S., and M. A. Mariño. 1990. Identification
of aquifer parameters in confined groundwater flow. pages
604-609. In: R. M. Khanbilvardi and T. C. Gooch (ed.), Optimizing
the Resources for Water Management. American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York, N.Y.
Taghavi, S. A., M. A. Mariño, and R. E. Howitt. 1989.
Modeling of flow and contaminant transport in a conjunctively
managed groundwater basin: a case study. pages 405-418. In:
A. Sahuquillo, J. Andreu and T. O'Donnell (ed.), Groundwater
Management: Quantity and Quality, IAHS Publication No. 188.
International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
Afshar, A., and M. A. Mariño. 1989. On- or off-stream
groundwater storage in small scale for domestic use. pages
792-795. In: S. C. Harris (ed.), Water Resources Planning
and Management. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York,
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Afshar, A., and M. A. Mariño. 1989. Spillway design:
optimum risk method. pages 784-787. In: S. C. Harris (ed.),
Water Resources Planning and Management. American Society
of Civil Engineers, New York, N. Y.
Taghavi, S. A., and M. A. Mariño. 1989. Dispersive
contaminant transport in regional aquifers. pages 409-411.
In: S. C. Harris (ed.), Water Resources Planning and Management.
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N. Y.
Tracy, J. C., and M. A. Mariño. 1989. Design of water
delivery systems in agricultural regions. pages 626-629. In:
S. C. Harris (ed.), Water Resources Planning and Management.
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N. Y.
Flynn, L. E., and M. A. Mariño. 1989. Serial correlation
information in reservoir models. pages 433-436. In: S. C.
Harris (ed.), Water Resources Planning and Management. American
Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N. Y.
Mariño, M. A., and J. C. Tracy. 1989. Analysis of
statistical groundwater parameter estimation techniques. pages
47-56. In: J. E. Moore, A. A. Zaporozec, S. C. Csallany and
T. C. Varney (eds.), Recent Advances in Groundwater Hydrology.
American Institute of Hydrology, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Tracy, J. C., and M. A. Mariño. 1989. The effect of
groundwater flow on aquifer degradation in agricultural regions.
pages 127-134. In: L. M. Abriola (ed.), Groundwater Contamination,
IAHS Publication No. 185. International Association of Hydrological
Sciences, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
Flynn, L. E., and M. A. Mariño. 1988. Designing water
delivery systems for improved utilization. pages 103-113.
Proceedings of International Conference on Irrigation System
Evaluation and Water Management, Volume I, Wuhan, P. R. China.
Taghavi, S. A., and M. A. Mariño. 1988. Conjunctive
use study of groundwater and surface water in Chino Basin,
California. pages 112-115. In: M. Strech (ed.), Critical Water
Issues and Computer Applications. American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York.
Hantush, M. M. S., and M. A. Mariño. 1988. Stochastic
model for the management of a stream-aquifer system. pages
109-111. In: M. Strech (ed.), Critical Water Issues and Computer
Applications. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York.
Mariño, M. A. 1988. Management of surface water and
groundwater systems. pages K1-K8. Proceedings of the UCD/INIFAP
Conference, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Loaiciga, H. A., and M. A. Mariño. 1987. Long-term
feasibility analysis of irrigated agriculture in the San Joaquin
Valley, California. pages 275-283. In: W. O. Wunderlich and
J. E. Prins (eds.), Water for the Future: Water Resources
Development in Perspective, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands.
Tracy, J. C., and M. A. Mariño. 1987. Evaluation of
empirical infiltration models in single-event rainfall-runoff
models. pages 526-539. In: Y.-S. Fok (ed.), Infiltration Development
and Application, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Loaiciga, H. A., and M. A. Mariño. 1986. Estimation
and inference in the inverse problem. pages 973-980. In: M.
Karamouz, G. R. Baumli, and W. J. Brick (eds.), Water Forum
'86: World Water Issues in Evolution, Vol. 1, American Society
of Civil Engineers, New York.
Mariño, M. A., and H. A. Loaiciga. 1985. Multi-reservoir
operation planning via quadratic programming. pages 231-239.
In: M. Diskin (ed.), Scientific Basis for Water Resources
Management, IAHS Publication No. 153, Blackwell Scientific
Publications Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom.
Mariño, M. A., and H. A. Loaiciga. 1985. Planning
model for the operation of a multireservoir system. pages
933-942. In: V. de Kosinsky and M. de Somer (eds.), Proceedings
of Vth World Congress on Water Resources. Crystal Drop Publications,
Ghent, Belgium.
Patry, G. G., and M. A. Mariño. 1984. Recursive/adaptive
models for real-time urban runoff forecasting. pages 275-288.
In: W. James (ed.), Emerging Computer Techniques in Stormwater
and Floodwater Management. American Society of Civil Engineers,
New York.
Moore, C. V., K. D. Olson, and M. A. Mariño. 1984.
On-farm economics of reclaimed wastewater irrigation. pages
9-1 to 9-30, Chapter 9. In: G. S. Pettygrove and T. Asano
(eds.), Irrigation with Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater-A Guidance
Manual. California State Water Resources Control Board Report
Number 84-1 wr., Sacramento. July. (Also published by Lewis
Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan, 1985).
Patry, G. G., and M. A. Mariño. 1983. Transfer function
models in urban runoff forecasting. pages 578-583. In: H.
T. Shen (ed.), Frontiers in Hydraulic Engineering, American
Society of Civil Engineers, New York.
Patry, G. G., and M. A. Mariño. 1982. Real-time control
of combined sewer systems: Short-term runoff forecast models.
pages 4.35-4.48. In: R. E. Featherstone and A. James (eds.),
Urban Drainage Systems, Proceedings of the First International
Seminar, Southampton, U.K., Pittman Advanced Publishing Program,
Patry, G. G., and M. A. Mariño. 1982. Application
of a nonlinear functional rainfall-runoff model to an urban
watershed. pages 2.51-2.65. In: R. E. Featherstone and A.
James (eds.), Urban Drainage Systems, Proceedings of the First
International Seminar, Southampton, U.K., Pittman Advanced
Publishing Program, Boston-London-Melbourne.
Mariño, M. A., and B. Mohammadi. 1982. Optimization
models for the operation of major hydrosystems. pages 385-394.
In: M. J. Lowing (ed.), Optimal Allocation of Water Resources.
IAHS Publication No. 135, Blackwell Scientific Publications
Ltd., Oxford, U.K.
Mariño, M. A. 1982. Las técnicas de investigación
de operaciones en el manejo de los recursos hidraúlicos.
pages 351-368. In: Memorias del Primer Encuentro Nacional
de Docentes e Investigadores en el Manejo de los Recursos
Hidraúlicos. CRECIDATH, Veracruz, Mexico.
Mariño, M. A. 1981. Saturated-unsaturated modelling
of groundwater quality in unconfined aquifer systems. pages
979-984. In: W. van Duijvenbooden, P. Glasbergen and H. van
Lelyveld (eds.), Quality of Groundwater, Studies in Environmental
Science, 17. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam-Oxford-New
Mariño, M. A., and B. Mohammadi. 1981. Multiobjective
optimization in real-time operation of a single reservoir.
pages 534-549. In: T. E. Unny and E. A. McBean (eds.), Proceedings,
Volume II, International Symposium on Real-Time Operation
of Hydrosystems. University of Waterloo, Onta., Canada, June
Aboufirassi, M., and M. A. Mariño. 1981. Hydrologic
contour mapping considering the spatial variability of data.
pages 613-625. In: Adey, R. A. (ed.), Engineering Software
II, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on
Engineering Software. Imperial College of Science and Technology,
Mariño, M. A. 1979. Optimal land allocation in irrigation
planning. pages 26-36. In: F. G. Villarreal (ed.), Proceedings
of III World Congress on Water Resources, Volume 1, Water
for Food Production. International Water Resources Association,
Mexico City.
Mariño, M. A. 1978. Solute transport in a saturated-unsaturated
porous medium. pages 269-281. In: G. C. Vansteenkiste (ed.),
Modeling, Identification and Control in Environmental Systems.
North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam.
Mariño, M. A., and G. B. Matanga. 1978. A Galerkin-finite
element simulation of solute transport in subsurface drainage
systems. pages 1.51-1.67. In: C. A. Brebbia, W. G. Gray and
G. F. Pinder (eds.), Finite Elements in Water Resources. Pentech
Press, London.
Mariño, M. A. 1977. Groundwater storage considerations:
Alternative courses of action. pages 160-161. In: Proceedings
of the 11th Biennial Conference on Groundwater. California
Water Resources Center, Report No. 41, University of California,
Mariño, M. A. 1976. Numerical simulation of contaminant
transport in subsurface systems. pages 113-129. In: Z. A.
Saleem (ed.), Advances in Groundwater Hydrology. American
Water Resources Association, Minneapolis.
Mariño, M. A. 1976. Simulation models of nitrogen
transport in soil systems. pages 85-88. In: T. L. Kunii and
Y. Kaya (eds.), Proceedings International Federation for Information
Processing Working Conference on Modelling of Environmental
Systems, Tokyo, Japan.